Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Mango Benefits For Health

Mango is one of the most delicious fruits from around the world, they are best eaten as fresh fruit, but also are an excellent addition to recipes for desserts and salads.

 Mango is also used by nectar, wine, jams and jellies. The immature, green mango, green was used in the preparation of pickles and hot sauce in Asian countries.

Mango can sometimes reach as high as forty feet. Its fruit can vary in size, shape (oval than round) and color (bright yellow with a mixture of green, orange and red). The leaves are shiny green, glossy, deep, and its flowers are yellow or reddish.

Health benefits:

Ripe mango is rich in vitamin A, which can help prevent cancer in organs lined by epithelial tissue, but can also prevent night blindness, dry eyes, itching and burning eyes. According to some studies, the handle was found to protect against colon cancer, breast, leukemia and prostate cancer.
Mango contains acid glutamine is known to help strengthen the mental capacity of children.

Ripe mango is rich in potassium, a mineral that helps the muscle tone of the heart.
Mango is rich in pectin, a soluble fiber that is important in controlling cholesterol and blood pressure.
Mango has anti-inflammatory, which is beneficial for people with arthritis and asthma.
Mango juice can help reduce excess body heat, so it is beneficial to reduce fever.
Mango is an excellent disinfectant and body wash, which is beneficial to cure body odor.
Immature mango can help treat gastrointestinal disorders (such as diarrhea, dysentery, dyspepsia, indigestion and constipation), is also a very good remedy for biliary tract (liver disorder), because acid content of green mango increase the secretion of bile and act as an intestinal cleanser.
Immature mango can help treat morning sickness.
Mango Nutrition: Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A: 6.350 I.U.
Vitamin B: Thiamine .06 mg.; Riboflavin .06 mg.; .9 Mg Niacin.
Vitamin C: 41 mg.
Calcium: 9 mg.
Iron: .2 mg.
Phosphorus: 13 mg.
Fat: .3 gm.
Protein: .7 gm.
Calories: 66

The greener the mangoes (unripe) the more it contains vitamin C, fully ripe mangoes goal Have More beta-carotene (Vitamin A). Either way you're getting a healthy fruit with Benefits.
Green or unripe mango is a rich source of pectin Which gradually diminishes the after the formation of the stone.
Another great thing about mangoes is the Fact They Are one of the fruits regarded Least Likely To Have Any harmful pesticide residue on em.
To retain the aroma of the fresh mango, do not cut Until Just Before serving.
Mango's Benefit for Skin: Mango may help unclog pores. Therefore people Who Suffer from acne Cdn Benefit From mango. To take advantage of properties of this thin mango slices Apply to the area of skin That You want to clear up. Leave the mango There For about ten minutes, then rinse the skin with warm water.

Medicinal Uses of Mango Leaves:

The young mango leaves is beneficial for diabetes. An infusion is Prepared from fresh leaves by soaking overnight in water 'em and squeezing' em well in water Before filtering it in the morning. This infused water Every Morning Should Be taken to control early diabetes. As an alternative to year infusion, Can Be dried leaves in the shade, powdered and Preserved. Half a teaspoonful of this powder taken Should Be Twice a day, in the Morning and evening.
The young mango leaf tea is a remedy for Good loss of voice. Just boil a cup of leaves to 2 ½ cups of water. Strain and drink FEW times a day.
The young mango leaf tea Cdn aussi Be use to cure asthma and cough.

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